viernes, 29 de octubre de 2021


News Alex Saab

Alex Saab letter confronts U.S. over possible extradition

Alex Saab letter confronts U.S. over possible extradition

Alex Saab recently denounced in a new letter that he has been physically and psychologically tortured during his detention in Cape Verde, and warned that his extradition to the US shows that the Biden administration wants to "end the dialogue in Mexico". "Mr....

Russian ship docked in Cape Verde after Alex Saab’s pronouncement

Russian ship docked in Cape Verde after Alex Saab’s pronouncement

Following the most recent pronouncement by the Russian Federation's Foreign Ministry on the current situation of Venezuelan Ambassador Alex Saab in Cape Verde, a Russian ship has arrived in the African country. The anchorage of the ship and support vessels in the port...

Delay of Ambassador Alex Saab’s transfer compromises his health

Delay of Ambassador Alex Saab’s transfer compromises his health

Recently, lawyer Baltasar Garzón, member of Alex Saab's defense team, informed about the delay of the Ambassador's transfer to Praia, which compromises his health. He therefore urges ignorance of the reasons why the National Police of Cape Verde has not complied with...

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